I kind of struggle to understand why people want to post this sort of thing. You've obviously played the game a lot - or enough for doing what you wanted to do - and now it's not taking your interest as much. That's perfectly natural. The idea that it is some fault of the game - especially when you've already played previous games similar to it - is a bit silly.
If it was a case that every single mission is the same, and all the NPCs are the same, and there's really nothing to do - then, you'd have a point. But there are all these posts going around of "I've played the game and now I don't want to play it anymore" as thought it's the fault of the devs. I just don't get it.
Looks like you didn't read my posts with attention.
I've specifically stated that I've played this game only for one week, and not for much (I did also clearly mention this game gives too much instant gratification, since playing Skyrim for two hours a day, in just a week I've already done everything I've wanted). I've stated that I've played previous Bethesda games for hours during a months-long time span, without getting bored.
So, you see? Had I been playing this game a lot, there would be no point in me making this topic. Heck, I've never made a "I've played Oblivion/Fallout for months and I'm bored of it now!" because, what?
But I'm making a "I've played Skyrim for a week and I'm bored of it now!" because now THAT is a problem.
EDIT: guys, no, you misunderstand. Had I been playing Skyrim a lot, there would be absolutely no point in me making a post saying that I got bored of it. What I'm saying it, I've been playing Skyrim for two hours a day and in just one week I've already done everything I wanted (honest) and I already got bored.