» Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:58 am
With no Spell Crafting, and thus no ability to make a "control" (known value) damage self spell, it is a lot harder to reverse engineer these mechanics.
I suggest finding a dragon, quicksave, engage and let it breath on you without a ward for the full duration of the breath. Note health before and after. Reload and test several times, and you should come up with a fairly good range of damage to expect. Make sure you aren't running any potions or equipment or perks with magic resistance of any kind on them.
Now repeat the tests with a ward up and calculate the range again.
The first test gives you .75X=Y, where Y is the damage you take after Breton Resistance and X is the damage you take before.
The second test will give you either:
1) (.75X)-W=Y
2) .75(X-W)=Y
Where X is initial damage, W is ward damage reduction and Y is final damage done.
Even accounting for the imprecise nature of the tests, if you do it a few times each, you should be to get a strong indication of which way it is calculated.