2 key not functioning for ammo swap/possible to reassign 2 k

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:40 am

For the keyboard settings, I assigned the * key for ammo swap, and that is working. B/c I have a razor naga mouse, which has 12 program buttons along the side, I would like to use the 2 key on the kybd for a weapon slot, not ammo swap. So, I wonder two things:

1) Can I reassign the 2 key as a weapon hotkey slot and not ammo swap, and if so, how?

2) I assigned * for ammo swap, and not would like to switch it back to the 2 key for now, until I am able to accomplish step 1 above. Trouble is, in the control settings for the game, I pressed "2" for ammo swap, where the "*" key is now. Game menu stated "cannot reassign key" or something ismilar. So, it allowed me to switch the control from 2 to * but isn't allowing me to switch it back? That seems odd. Is there a way to reset a single key back to default, and not all of them?

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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:39 pm

1. Nope. Maybe with mods but AFAIK the #2 key is hardcoded to ammo swapping. Stupid I know.
2. Don't remember but I think highlighting the key and pressing delete clears it. Other than that you can assign V (Or any already bound key) to it then reassign V to V.A.T.S.
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m Gardner
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:35 am

Neither the "2" key nor the Ammo Swap functions are hardcoded. The only thing hardcoded is the in-game settings menu is unable to assign any function to the "2" key. And the lack of a Hotkey2.

Open up FalloutPrefs.ini in Documents\My Games\FalloutNV\ (I'm on Vista. . . somewhere similar for XP I think). Search for "Ammo Swap", and you should see something like this:

Ammo Swap=002EFF01

Not sure how to directly translate the Hex codes, but assigning Ammo Swap=0003FFFF will reset you to default (the "2" key). I tested it, and it works. Also, I tried adding Hotkey2=0003FFFF, as well as Hotkey2=002EFF01 (the code for the "C" key), and nothing happened. I also assigned Jump to the "2" key, and it works.

You can also rebind all the hotkeys from here if you like. For example, Hotkey3=0034FFFF re-assigns it so pressing equips my shotgun. This would be very useful if you want to put (for example) Hotkeys 6-8 somewhere you can reach them without moving off WASD. You'll have to assign something (like jump, forward, etc.) to the keys you want to use for hotkeys (might help to copy/paste the original bindings for those functions so you can just copy/paste them back to their current settings). Then copy/paste the code for those keys to the appropriate hotkey assignments.

Considering the mere 8 slots we had in FO3 was already not enough, I don't know why they'd waste one on something that can be bound to anything. Oh wait, that's a lie; I know exactly why: because consoles are ruining the gaming world. Tiny FOVs, craptastic menu systems, and limiting the PC controls because the consoles can't keep up with. . . *gasp*. . . a keyboard that's been around for like 20 years on PCs.
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