Item scaling on unique weapons and armour?

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:20 am

Just wondering if item scaling is still a problem in Skyrim, yeah I know that most of the generic loot and quest rewards are scaled to your level but what of unique weapons and armour? Say I get a Daedric artifact early like the Skull of Corruption, would it be weaker than what it would be if I completed the quest at a higher level? I ask this because I killed a Dragon Priest by a word wall on a mountain that seemed to drop a unique mask, while the priest did not seem to be scaled and was far stronger than what I should be facing at my level (much stronger than the pitiful dragon I slayed at the very same spot, seriously the Dragons should be worshiping these guys and not the other way round) I do have to wonder if completing quests at a lower level will effectively nerf any of these items. So is item scaling still a problem or can I quest without having to be weary of nerfing unique weapons and armour?
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Andy durkan
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:49 am

only few items , but writing in google : skyrim leveled items and press i feel lucky youl get the list .... i wont spoil anything go check it , but there are little rlly . And mostly to do with 1 guild only "sneaky" one
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Catherine N
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:46 am

I believe there is unique equipment outside of quest rewards. Not sure if it's scaled to your level on entering the area where it exists? It probably is.

The bigger problem (in my opinion) is that you can make the best equipment in the game and then enchanct it, which in turns leads to vast, readily availiable quanitites of it. Eg, Daedric Sword with fire enchantment.

As I understand it, none of the unique loot (like the sort found in Morrowind) reaches quite the same level as the stuff you knock together at a forge in Winterun. Destroys immersion a bit eh?

This is Bethesdas greatest crime imo, loot scaling (not enemy scaling).
Over abundant amazing equipment = bad thing.
Very few legendary unique items that you have to find = good thing.
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sam westover
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:17 pm

I found a glass bow when my character was level 7, there was a puzzle out in the plains near Whiterun and it was in the chest when I solved it.
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:50 pm

I stopped playing when I found that the unique sword I just got was a gimped version because my level was too low, and it would be useless at higher levels.

Having to grind to max level before doing the main storyline so the items aren't gimped is [censored].

I'll wait for mods to remove level scaling completely before I play this crap again.
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:24 pm

It wasn't a problem in Oblivion, so I doubt it is in Skyrim.


(Unpopular opinion, I know, but I've never understood why people playing OB felt this need to grind 25 levels out before running around to pick up their min-maxed quest rewards. Always seemed like too much of a bother for a few extra points of enchantment. :shrug:)
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