» Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:35 am
I did that quest before alot information was out and I really regret my choise, I choose azuras star.. and its screwed me. You can only charge it with creature souls, Your not always fighting creatures. Most of the time its people, or undead of people, but never actually creatures. Most creatures are not powerful enough to fill azuras soul.. But all human souls are grand no matter how pathetic.they are.
I have chosen the star, and rarely if ever fill it up. I will soul tap while exploring. But you can't tap dragons.. Sabres dont do it. not laot of creatures except maybe like mamoths fill them. but killing a mamoth is scuicide. specially when a GIANT one shots me over a mountain..
So yeah. If i had it to do over. Black star 100% . I choose azuras, because you get a companion, plus im sort of roleplaying a good guy..