Same as in Morrowind.
Don't no of any plugins already compatible to this.
Same as in Morrowind.

Don't no of any plugins already compatible to this.
set LPUSfEGlfVersion to 1
set LPUSfEGlfVersion to 1
set health to Player.GetActorValue Health set maxHealth to Player.GetBaseActorValue Health Let healthLoss := lastHealth - health If healthLoss != 0 If healthLoss > highestHealthLoss Let highestHealthLoss := healthLoss EndIf Let averageHealthLoss := (averageHealthLoss + healthLoss) / 2 If debug PrintToConsole "kDHP2: health %0.2f healthLoss %0.2f highestHealthLoss %0.2f averageHealthLoss %0.2f" health healthLoss highestHealthLoss averageHealthLoss EndIf EndIf Let lastHealth := healthaverageHealthLoss and highestHealthLoss are reset 10 seconds after combat.
If (trackWithAverageHealthLoss && (health - averageHealthLoss < 0) && health < absoluteMinHealthToTeleport) || (trackWithHighestHealthLoss && (health - highestHealthLoss < 0) && health < absoluteMinHealthToTeleport) ;the player very well may die in the next iteration of the code, ;teleport the player to safetyEndIfas you can see, the mod doesn't simply teleport the player to safety when their health is below a specified minimum like other "death dealing mods".