One for the skyrim dev team

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:09 am

As a first time player of the Elder scroll series I'm kicking myself for not playing before skyrim, The game is awesome both graphicly and depth of game play, But the game feels unfinished, I think I've felt this way since the escape from the dragon at the start, I wanted to look round a little before heading to riverwood and I found a barb camp, I took out my longbow and head shot a barbarian who in turn came after me with 2 others and killed me, The death itself didn't bother me as I took one out before I was killed but the npc that killed me was the one I hit in the head with the arrow, I know it was a headshot as he had the arrow stuck in his head, I know game mechanic's are not the same from game to game but a headshot on a humaniod should still be fatal.

Now a question for the dev's,
In game we have our crafts alchemy, blacksmithing, enchanting and cooking (although no skill points or perks are added for it) and we get to do some gathering for the crafts with plants, mining and hunting. Why was cooking levels not added and fishing? will this be a DLC later on? As we're playing a toon that early on in the game has no home, Living in the woods should be more fun. hunting and fishing should be a must and the player should carry a usable bedroll for the cold nights under the stars ;)

All in all a great game, one that the wife is starting to hate ;)
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:05 pm

As a first time player of the Elder scroll series I'm kicking myself for not playing before skyrim, The game is awesome both graphicly and depth of game play, But the game feels unfinished, I think I've felt this way since the escape from the dragon at the start, I wanted to look round a little before heading to riverwood and I found a barb camp, I took out my longbow and head shot a barbarian who in turn came after me with 2 others and killed me, The death itself didn't bother me as I took one out before I was killed but the npc that killed me was the one I hit in the head with the arrow, I know it was a headshot as he had the arrow stuck in his head, I know game mechanic's are not the same from game to game but a headshot on a humaniod should still be fatal.

Now a question for the dev's,
In game we have our crafts alchemy, blacksmithing, enchanting and cooking (although no skill points or perks are added for it) and we get to do some gathering for the crafts with plants, mining and hunting. Why was cooking levels not added and fishing? will this be a DLC later on? As we're playing a toon that early on in the game has no home, Living in the woods should be more fun. hunting and fishing should be a must and the player should carry a usable bedroll for the cold nights under the stars ;)

All in all a great game, one that the wife is starting to hate ;)

Of course the game feels unfinished, it only just came out.

I bet you DLC will come out, Steam is involved so it probably will.
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jesse villaneda
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:09 am

I once read an account of a man who was stabbed in the head with a broomstick. The wood went in one side and out of the other. Those treating him did not think they could remove it without killing him, so they cut it off at both ends. I've no idea how long he survived afterward (weeks, years, hours...). The one that killed your character could have dropped dead minutes later :shrug:

*Though I do agree it can make for some odd visuals. We've all had our TES characters running around, or even shopping while arrows protrude from their hips and forearms.
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