My first Solo Dragon battle... EPIC

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:44 pm

I just had the most amazing gameplay ever....

My character had just come out of a 2 hour long dungeon on the very top of this HUGE mountain, he was exhausted. Then out of nowhere I hear the roar of a dragon... A battle ensues between me (archer) and the beast. After 10 minutes of fierce combat around a ruined tower near the side of a sheer cliff, our health was almost depleted and the dragon was grounded. I made my way outside behind the tower and looked in through a window. On the opposite side was the entrance to the tower. All of a sudden the dragon reached his head into the entrance and did a shout of fire, I moved to the side as flames came bellowing out of the window toward me. With one last effort I nocked my glass bow and pointed the arrow through the window toward the dragon's head... The arrow flew. The dragon stumbled back in agony (dying) and slipped off the edge of the cliff... I ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down to see the dragon falling backward as it's skin began to come off and rise up the cliff while I was absorbing its soul. By the time the dragon hit the ground it was just bones... I was like OMG... Did that just happen. It could have been a movie. I tried to replay it to capture some screenies but couldn't get it to happen again. Thank you Bethesda....

Anybody else have an EPIC experience of this caliber?
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Natasha Biss
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 1:08 pm

I just had the most amazing gameplay ever....

My character had just come out of a 2 hour long dungeon on the very top of this HUGE mountain, he was exhausted. Then out of nowhere I hear the roar of a dragon... A battle ensues between me (archer) and the beast. After 10 minutes of fierce combat around a ruined tower near the side of a sheer cliff, our health was almost depleted and the dragon was grounded. I made my way outside behind the tower and looked in through a window. On the opposite side was the entrance to the tower. All of a sudden the dragon reached his head into the entrance and did a shout of fire, I moved to the side as flames came bellowing out of the window toward me. With one last effort I nocked my glass bow and pointed the arrow through the window toward the dragon's head... The arrow flew. The dragon stumbled back in agony (dying) and slipped off the edge of the cliff... I ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down to see the dragon falling backward as it's skin began to come off and rise up the cliff while I was absorbing its soul. By the time the dragon hit the ground it was just bones... I was like OMG... Did that just happen. It could have been a movie. I tried to replay it to capture some screenies but couldn't get it to happen again. Thank you Bethesda....

Anybody else have an EPIC experience of this caliber?

Whoa...that was pretty cool. Nicely written too!
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:58 am

Sounds fkn awesome man, i am yet to find a dragon i hope my first encounter is as breathtaking as yours was
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:34 pm

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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:30 am

Yup, that's Skyrim for ya. Today I got to fight a Dragon Priest and a Dragon at the same time...but it was more so hellish than epic.
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Josh Lozier
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:12 am

Yup, that's Skyrim for ya.

Really? Because Skyrim for me is dragons monotonously flying overhead like flies in the summer and only coming down when my 200th arrow manages to hit, in which case they swoop down, hover, breath frost/fire, and then I shoot them, and then we repeat this process for the next 10 minutes until it finally decides to land, and then I kill him with a few DW hits.
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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:30 pm

Warnek3m: There are tougher dragons at higher levels, some of those are serious business.

Unrelated: I had an interesting rather epic moment myself today. Not epic in the same way, but... being the sneaky assassin type, I snuck up on an ascendant necromancer. I proceeded to pickpocket a black soul gem off him. I then assassinated him with my soultrap dagger and caught his soul in his own gem. Bam!
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:22 pm

Really? Because Skyrim for me is dragons monotonously flying overhead like flies in the summer and only coming down when my 200th arrow manages to hit, in which case they swoop down, hover, breath frost/fire, and then I shoot them, and then we repeat this process for the next 10 minutes until it finally decides to land, and then I kill him with a few DW hits.

Really? I've only had that happen once so far. Why not Zoidberg try Dragonrend, if you have it? Most of dragon battles are at least exciting, if not epic. The music helps, too.
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:18 pm

well my first was crap but i had a good one the other day i was riding my horse across the plains from whiterun cuz i was bored so i thought id hunt and all of a sudden my controller vibrates and the dragon swoops by low and turns around i hauled butt to a bridge and pretty much shot at it with my bow and it kept dive bombing me and breathing ice at me and then when its health got low i ran for like a more higher spot in the fort and as i shot the dragon it came crashing down on the road. i ran out of the way and equipped my dual daedric swords and ran at him and then it got to where i had him on his last bit of health and i used a maxed fire breath and right as he threw some ice at me i set him on fire and he died. i then realized it was an ancient dragon which was my first of that kind. i hope everyone like that i face is just as fun. i dont think it compares to the first post though unless you count my horse stealing a blood dragon kill from me -_- dam evil horses and there red eyes
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:09 am

Warnek3m: There are tougher dragons at higher levels, some of those are serious business.

Unrelated: I had an interesting rather epic moment myself today. Not epic in the same way, but... being the sneaky assassin type, I snuck up on an ascendant necromancer. I proceeded to pickpocket a black soul gem off him. I then assassinated him with my soultrap dagger and caught his soul in his own gem. Bam!

haha, that is pretty epic :D
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:52 am

Yup, that's Skyrim for ya. Today I got to fight a Dragon Priest and a Dragon at the same time...but it was more so hellish than epic.

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Haley Merkley
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