Maybe your opening post should talk about the real problem. The developers dumbed it down. Not the console players, not the PC players. The developers.
Make your threads with your complaints, but try to be clear and conscise. You think it's dumbed down? How, exactly? From your post I have no idea what you think is dumbe down about this game.
Let me give you an example:
I agree this game is dumbed down. It has become less about role playing to me. Yes, we have the options on how we want to kill (warrior, stealth, Mage), but other options are severely limited.
Our characters are not allowed to have any opinions that actually matter. Side with the Stormcloaks, Imperials, or neither. It doesn't matter, the result in the end is the same.
Persuade, bribe, intimidate, or follow the speech tree. It doesn't matter, the result is the same in the end.
Do I want to be an athletic, jumpy Khajit? Doesn't matter, an Orc wearing light armor can jump just as high as me.
That's how you lay out individual complaints and not make sweeping generalizations.
P.S. New Vegas is the best RPG as of late, give it a shot.