Easy Request for Bethesda

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:28 am

I do not know whether Bethesda will accomodate a fan request. But this is an easy one I would do myself if I had access to the Creation Kit. My request is this: Please, rename the Dragon Shouts. Something akin to this:

Shout: Unrelenting Force

This way, all shouts are together on your hot key list.

And that's it. Honestly, that one little change would go a long way toward making Shouts more fun to play. As it is now I actively try and play without them, since finding them on a well populated hot key list is sadly so difficult and confused an endeavor as to take away from the fun of combat.

Thanks Bethesda for the game. I hope this small change is something someone can make happen in the near future.
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Angel Torres
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