My personal story:
registered my first account on during MP Demo. My nick here on page was Five Finger
Yes i know - first mistake cause there was a space between. But i never got a msg that this has no function ingame.
next one was without space but never got any mail or other information that the registration was successfully. I've tried to login ingame - doesn't work.
in total i need 4 different registrations with 4 different login details. the last was the only one which let me login ingame....
Then - 25.03. got my preordered Limited Edition - Holy ****...
Thought, best would be if i delete these 4 accounts before starting to play.
Ok - login to every account here on the page, switch to the profile and "push that button"
No info about that this will never give me my chosen account nick or mail addy back.
Then, try to register a new one... Rest is the same which many other has allready told you - cannot use the same details again...
BUT - i can login to my INGAME CRYSIS 2 ACCOUNT using one of the deleted login details... that's cool, cause i can play. In fact without my promo code but I CAN PLAY
If i use the same details here on i get "Sorry, invalid username or password"
So please - someone of the Crytek Guys - please please please - activate my account
Mail Adress:
Nickname: FiveFinger
Let me know if you need any further information - don't wanna post this here