Anyway, the problem occurred while trying to complete the mission "Young Hearts", a ridiculous mission where the Courier has to find a date for this person named Jack in the Nellis AFB. Anyway, the mission said I had to talk to the characters and persuade Alice to let the woman leave her contract and persuade the Boomers to allow her to enter their military base. The problem occurred after I convinced Alice to let the woman leave. I fast traveled to Nellis and waited for the woman to arrive because I needed to speak with her. I waited for a day and I noticed that the game had checked that off and the strangest thing of all occurred. Jack and his new girlfriend had fasttravelled to Black Mountain for some reason. More specifically, south of black mountain, in an unreachable area on top of a mountain! So now the game is saying that I need to speak to Jack but he the game placed him (and his girlfriend too) on top of some random mountain in the middle of NOWHERE!!! Now that I can not speak to him, I can not complete "Young Hearts" or speak to him about a some "rebreather" technology I need for another mission.
I don't know if others have had this same problem but this is not really acceptable. I can handle the glitching, the sudden freezing, the occasional unresponsive controls and other problems but this is ridiculous! Bethesda, fix your game!