So, I went to Markarth recently and I (as usual) went to the Jarl for some quests and to become the thane of said hold. *SPOILER*He gives me the missions, help 5 people in town, kill a bunch of forsworn, fair enough*SPOILER END*, when i finish everything that needed to be done, I was told i had to buy property, so I agreed. When i talked to the Jarl's assistant, he told me it was for 8000gold, I realized it was too expensive, so I said, "Maybe later". So I go on some quests kill bandits sell loot and take gold off of dead bodies. Eventually I have enough moneyz, but when i go back and talk to the assistant, he doesn't give me the option to buy the property. At this point, I start thinking "maybe, it's only at certain times of the day, like with the whiterun's Jarl's assistant.", but no, it's not. Anyone else having this problem? Anyone know how to fix it, without disabling the steam achievements (I'm an achievement s*ut)?
TL:DR, can't buy markarth property because of bug. Need your help.