This is part of the Winterhold College mage quests. Its called 'Revealing the Unseen' the one where you have to focus the gem in the oculary.
I had problems knowing what to do to finish this quest so i left and did some of the main quest.
Now that I came back to it, everything seems to have been bugged.
I can still rotate the 3 rings on the ceiling, but I cant cool or heat the armillary(thing in center/beams of light) to make it move like it used to.
I've tried doing many different things to reset the quest like talking to/killing the questgivers/guy in the room/ shooting various parts of armilarry/ reloading/saving.
Anyone know fix for this bug?
This bug seems to happen once getting to the end point of 'Revealing the unseen' quest without finishing, continuing the main quest, and going back.