Funniest things that's happened to you?

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:46 am

I just started playing on PS3 I have about 2
hours of game time, so i'm relatively weak. So I
was just randomly exploring when I came across
this magic lady making a sacrifice on an altar in
the woods, I came closer.then she started
attacking me and made a spirit wolf attack me. I
started running away and came across this
hunter/seller by the stream camped.with a tent.
As I ran away from the witch I hid behind his
tent and all of a sudden she starts attacking him.
I stood and watched and the hunter yelled "Is
that all you've got?!".
It was hilarious and he finally killed her.

Needless to say, he saved my life. Awesome
friend, wish I could make him a companion but
don' t know how.

So what are some funny things that's happened
to you?
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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:13 am

I’ll bite. Seen and followed a guard chase a elk half way across the map while screaming profanity’s at it. Only reason I found this so funny is I can remember it happening in Oblivion numerous times. Memories. :thumbsup:
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aisha jamil
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:01 pm

I just started playing on PS3 I have about 2
hours of game time, so i'm relatively weak. So I
was just randomly exploring when I came across
this magic lady making a sacrifice on an altar in
the woods, I came closer.then she started
attacking me and made a spirit wolf attack me. I
started running away and came across this
hunter/seller by the stream camped.with a tent.
As I ran away from the witch I hid behind his
tent and all of a sudden she starts attacking him.
I stood and watched and the hunter yelled "Is
that all you've got?!".
It was hilarious and he finally killed her.

Needless to say, he saved my life. Awesome
friend, wish I could make him a companion but
don' t know how.

So what are some funny things that's happened
to you?

LOL! When I discovered this altar (after a few hours of play, too), I wondered why there is a dead woman on the ground.
The nearby wolves attacking me answered my question...
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Caroline flitcroft
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:48 pm

The only funny thing that happened, (and it isn't that funny when you pay $60 dollars for it) is that my companion, who can't help but to step on every singly pressure plate trap in any given dungeon, stepped on one, got hit with a battering ram in the face, nearly died, and said: "Is that all you got?"
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JUan Martinez
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:10 pm

A bandit I began to chase after he'd given up ran into his own trap (which had already been sprung at the beginning of the fight - this was an outside location and a rock trap) and ran into one of the rocks which was lying on the ground, killing him in the process as I was drawing out my bow to shoot him in the back... hehe. I was quite amused.
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Kelly James
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