I can relate. I got a 6 year old girl and a 3 year old boy, and the boy was diagnosed with diabetes at 13 months which is like a whole other can of worms I don't wish on anyone. Like others have suggested you need to schedule time for yourself, but be prepared to alter that schedule because the kids will never follow it the way you would like. I actually have quite a bit of time for myself but it comes at a premium. I only watch a few football games each season, though it's getting better as my daughter has taken a liking to it, and I have only a few TV shows I watch with anything close to regularity. I'm usually the last person to go to bed and the first to wake up. Night time after everyone is asleep is when I get on the computer to play/mod and early in the morning I exercise so that I can be healthy enough to keep up this pace. I know that it's only temporary because the kids get older and start becoming more independent, and then I'll be staying up late to make sure they are staying in their rooms at night! :stare: