1. dungeons respawn in 3O DAYS!! WTF man! we could go around the whole map, clear every place and that first dungeon still wouldnt of respawned. But when they do they are EXACTLY the same as before (first enemy is draugr wight with beard and is bald, return a month later, same bald draugr with beard in same place)
2. Level locking dungeons - most draugr crypts i am now returning to i can two shot kill everything. if i knew it would be this bad i would of gone in any until lv 25, im also playing on expert
Thanks for that info on a 30 day respawn. I didn't know that. Realistically they probably shouldn't even respawn in 30 days. I mean if you clear out a dungeon and the Draugrs rise to attack, where would the additional Draugrs come from - would more Draugr's have been buried and decomposed in that 30 days? Even a bandit dungeon, it's unlikely that bandits would actually repopulate in 30 days? I think the 30 days limit is more of a game bloat mechanic, if they kept all the explored dungeons they way they are forever you could end up with huge save game files.
But as far as being upset with level locked dungeons, it's interesting to see someone actually want level scaling in the game