I went and voted "just started" because that's how I really feel: the game is huge! I think it's not supposed to be "finished", and at least not this quick. No fast travel, no game mechanics abusing etc. for me... I just enjoy the experience and the simply magical of the world!
Also, I haven't finished a single questline yet.

My character isn't even good at anything, except maybe sneaking and possibly archer. And I'm 40ish hours in! My equipments still svcks (thieves' guild / dark brotherhood apparel, Elven Bow and a few quest items as melee weapons). I just takme it nice and easy, as I think it's supposed to.

I'm not saying there cannot be many types of players - the more the merrier actually! - but I just can't help but wonder... Why? Why people play a game this huge and this immersive so quickly without stopping a questline every now and then and just doing something else for a change?