I was trying to make a good, strong, balanced, character until last night. Now I am just part of the story. Conquering this game seems a lot less interesting than becoming a castmember. No game has ever done that for me. Bravo!
This!! :read:
This game is not about clicking off points, completing every quest with one character, nor having pwnr armour than your friends. It's about experiences.
I'm enjoying it, glitches and all. Patches are forthcoming so... patience, grasshopper. But this much content in one game
is rather astonishing. Those who know me understand I'm no tookus-smoocher nor worshipper at the altar of Todd. I've always called it like I see it and have posted a number of bugs that need fixing - on the proper boards.
1. Don't gimp your character by spamming exp in Smithing/Alchemy, for example. Put the perk points in the skills you actually use. And stop thinking of Levels as they were in MW or OB. Instead, think of them as perk points. If you have 65 Smithing to get
coolz gear, don't be surprised when you get owned by some Bandits. 22 One-Handed just won't swing it, toots.
2. Wander and get lost. Minimize your hud's opacity.
3. Become a citizen rather than an all-conquering visitor. Favors go a long way and, I've found, the game actually
is keeping track of what you've done and where you've been.
4. Walk. Place a marker on the other side of the province and head off to find it.
5. And, as the OP noted, don't grind away at
beating a game. Become a part of it.
Fixes are needed. True. And they are coming. But that's to be expected with so many variables in
one game. I've owned games that were less involving than some of Skyrim's quests! Some of these quests could very well have been stand-alone games of their own. Time will tell as it hasn't even been two weeks.
For those that don't remember through the haze of nostalgia,
Save Early/Save Often was a long-held mantra for MW. So until the patches are released and we see how things progress, perhaps we should take our own advice.
Just one person's opinion.