so you don't verbally massacre me, that I enjoy this game and spend
quite a lot of my spare time adventuring in this magnificent world.
Love the scenery, the atmosphere, all the details and the rich ambient
still, in spite of everything that's good, I can't lose the feeling
that the developers did miss a few game-play contents. Of course it's
easier to moan and [censored] about this and that when it's someone else
that has to do the hard work.
To get this, what is probably a suicide considering all the fan boys, going
I'm starting with the most obvious discrepancy:
"Be whoever you want"!
Okey! Be whoever you want, right? It's true that you can be whoever
you want as long it's within the parameters of: slaughter, kill, kill,
slaughter, throw cool spells, thwack some poor sod, steal, kill, steal
and run like hell from guards, kill the giant flying lizard above you.
Nothing bad with that but it lends to some quite narrow choices.
So where's the choice to be a powerful merchant? The economical system
implemented are too weak to handle anything above carrying wood - my
own opinion of course.
where's the choice to be a forty years-something drunken ass hole
that pisses everybody off and father to three? Okey, I'm fully aware
of that if one want to play social simulators one can play sims but
I can't understand why Skyrim couldn't display something close to
natural developing interactions between NPCs and the player.
There's many more examples but I hope it's clear what I'm trying to say
that the game do not offer any real choices between being the fabulous
hero or the psychopathic murderer.
Are a lot better but still stiff and fitful. And where's the damn
animation for CLIMBING!? Come to think about: why isn't there any
climbing at all? Jumping is still awful and every time you jump the soul
dies bit by bit.
So between all the action and dragon slaying something else must fill
the space. A big hiking simulations comes to mind but relaxing as it is
to look at a misty mountain or a sunlit meadow it is kind of boring.
Anything else to find besides hack-and-slash and a hiking simulator?
For me the answer is sadly: no. It's entertaining enough but it
wouldn't hurt if there actually was things like mini-games, except all
the brawls. Why is the companions so bland and boring? In fallout
they did have some characteristics that you remember and they did
interact with you on their own accord and so on.
Is there any way to develop a personality that's recognized?
That is: a personality that isn't based on quests only. So for some
reason I play this hippie-cat that don't do evil, fair and simply he's
a good cat that rather purrs then curse.
He gives money to beggars and pays off true ass holes to leave peoples
alone to live their lives on their own accord. But he do not, for the
love of it, get any recognition for it across the epic land of skyrim!
There isn't ANY peoples whom came and visited him or searched for him
to ask for his help or whatever. Not a single word about his kindness.
This makes me wanting to massacre a village and celebrate with mead.
No, feedback whatsoever. You're destined to save the world, kill all
big bad dragons but so long as you don't do it you doesn't exist.
All your actions, or most at least, will never ever have a reactions.
And there! The rant, aka wall of text, are over! I could of added more
but lets start with this. This is the most important I could think of
right now so lets roll with it.