This poll is for those of you who are unhappy...

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 3:35 pm

yes overpowered but if you don't wanna make a overpowered spell you don't have to, i miss the ability to f5 then launch a max range fireball or even soultrap into a crowded towncenter every now and then

Yet, we have armour creation, custom enchantments, custom potions, and those that do abuse it don't want to listen to the "if you don't wanna make a overpowered spell you don't have to" argument, they just shout about game balance.

Then of course, if you broke it down, its not powerful enough, might as well stick with pregenerated items, or if you make it too painful, the casual players complain that they don't want to spend a ton of time on a very boring part of the game... etc etc

Sure UI could use some tweaking, certainly doesn't suit the PC at all, but mods will solve that I'm sure.

Constructive criticism is all very good, but theres very little of it, mostly its needless nitpicking on what is a very fine game.
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:38 pm

Skyrim is dumbed down for a TES game.
Skyrim has a severe lack of dialogue options.
Skyrim has broken skill mechanics.
Skyrim is too easy.

I voted for these (Minus the skill mechanics one, saw it after I voted).

Skyrim is dumbed down for a TES game.

My largest criticism and one that disappointed me the most. Besides the selection of perks, and some character abilities (Only a select few), your characters will not be substantially different from any other character. Sure, you can choose to play a certain way, but if you wanted to change to a bow mid-game from using two-handers, its not gonna hurt you all that much. I realize Bethesda was trying to get rid of the "Unnecessary RPG junk" but Stat points aren't difficult to manage, and they're still in the system, just a lot less noticeable. Since when does TES cater to non-RPG people anyway? I just don't get that part...

Skyrim has a severe lack of dialogue options.

This part is kinda strange for a TES game... I've run across countless quests that only have a single option. I don't really want to help some maniac crash a ship full of innocent people, why can't I turn him into the guards? Sure, I could kill him, but that would get me arrested or committing murder, made little sense to me. Some quest lines like the DB are obviously for evil characters, though, but Misc quests should be able to be dealt with either way.

Skyrim has broken skill mechanics.

This is somewhat true in a few areas... The enchanting/ alchemy/ smithing exploit is just freaking ridiculous, for crying out loud, you couldn't see that coming? Then theres the part where its pointless to even get higher armors once you find one that looks epic, you can max out their protection and damage regardless of the fact that they're level 0 or 20 smithing. Also, dual wielding weapons standing power attacks are ridiculously overpowered... I beat a boss down with dual pickaxes...

Skyrim is too easy.

Mostly this is due to some of the things I discussed above, but in general, the game is too easy. It started to get somewhat challenging when new Dragons were introduced, and I still have a bit of trouble with mages, but overall its not hard to chug a few potions, use my shout (Massively boosts attack speed), and chop the guts out of anything in my way in seconds with dual Ebony War Axes.

However, despite all this, I love the game. I can't really ever expect to get a perfect game, but Skyrim is good enough, every time I start to get bored I find even more to whet my appetite for adventure. Once the main quest got boring, I discovered I could hunt for shouts. When that got boring, I discovered how awesome being a Werewolf is. Still looking forward to whats next, I know its out there though ;)

*EDIT* I'll just list the ones I would have voted for, but I won't bore you with a paragraph on them.

-Skyrim's guilds don't have enough depth or quests.

-Skyrim's dragons are UP.

-Skyrim's hawks/eagles are too hard to hit with arrows. (AND FLYING DRAGONS.)

-Skyrim has a severe lack of creatable items. (Eh, more like some of them are useless, half agree with this.)

-Skyrim has a severe lack of armor slots. (I just miss the second ring slot, lol)

-Skyrim has auto regen.

Agree on all points. I didn't even know you could kill those hawks... I knew they were moving way too fast for me to hit them with anything less than a rifle. Flying dragons....yeah....try hitting them with shouts in midair too...they turn and fly way too fast in midair.

The good news is mods on the PC will change or fix these things, given enough time.

Still an awesome game.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:51 pm

- Dumbed Down

I miss the attributes and spellcrafting in particular. I felt they allowed me to personalize my character more than just 3 basic stats and perks do. Perks feel very restrictive to me. Lack of spells makes magic unattractive. Too much hand-holding.
The level scaling is also a major show-stopper to me. I quit playing once I learned that an unique item I just found was prenerfed and I basically had to load a save game and grind myself to level 50 before finishing the storyline or else I would permanently have these uniques with nerfed stats which would be of no use to me as I gained levels. I'll wait for the mods that remove this 'feature' before I play again.


I don't want steam and never will. TES games never had copy protection before, yet I still purchased them. So I wonder why they chose steam, which only punishes the legal customers. And I wonder if they think it helped one bit, as the cracked version was available the same day.

- Skill system

Melee is overpowered and magic doesn't scale. Lack of skills such as acrobatics.

- Lack of armor slots

Gear is important, and when there is a lack of slots to equip gear in it feels restrictive.

- Guild Quests

I miss the good old days of the House Redoran and Mage Guild quests taking me weeks. Skyrim's guilds are uninteresting and lack depth and content.

- I hate dragons

Seriously, all the RPGs are about dragons nowadays. Something alien like Morrowind would've been nice...
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:03 pm

I have no problems because I'm not a whiny baby that nitpicks and focuses on negative aspects.
Let us try to be more optimistic hmm?

Immature much?
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:46 pm

Would all of you quit whinning! Stop looking the gift horse in the mouth and have some fun. Just give constructive criticism on what is wrong and what needs to improve directly to the developer, not here. They will patch everything up when they get to it. I'm sure they are working on something right now.

It must drive developers nuts to see and read so much unappreciation for their hard work.

I dare any of you to try and do better! Oly then will you find out just how much work is involved and how much there is to consider on a project of this magnitude.
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Chris Jones
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:13 am

Picked the buggy; everything else will be fixed with patches.
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sam smith
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:17 am

This is a great thread OP, well done! Hope the dev's check it out!
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brenden casey
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 6:11 pm

The inventory interface is very boring and without any personality. There is something magical about the art of TES games, but interface in Skyrim could be ANY game. I think TES is unique in numerous ways but the user interface doesn't reflect that unfortunately.
The crashes etc is an obvious problem, but I have no doubt that is going to be fixed with the next few patches.
What's up with the cooking? Sorry if I've misunderstood something about it but it seems abit pointless. I loved farming food/ingredients in both Morrowind and Oblivion but it kind of lost its "charm" in Skyrim.
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Marquis T
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:55 pm

I'm very happy with everyth... well almost everything from a technology standpoint. But I'm pissed off about the story, factions, and changes to magic.
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:36 pm

Would all of you quit whinning! Stop looking the gift horse in the mouth and have some fun. Just give constructive criticism on what is wrong and what needs to improve directly to the developer, not here. They will patch everything up when they get to it. I'm sure they are working on something right now.

It must drive developers nuts to see and read so much unappreciation for their hard work.

I dare any of you to try and do better! Oly then will you find out just how much work is involved and how much there is to consider on a project of this magnitude.

This isn't a thread involving whining. The only people that have whined on here are the ones that think we're whining.
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Jessica Lloyd
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:54 pm

This thread should be stickied and observed by Bethesda.Really,at least the poll.

As for me,my main complaint for the game is something I wasn't expecting at all.

It's the dialouge and story.

The quests are usually too predictable.Please make the bad guys less obvious this time and more plot and personality twists please.

The Akaviri Temple in the main quest was absolutely hilarous.The so called safety measures were something out of crappy adventure movies aimed at children under 14.The blood seal was fine though.

And the dialouges...I hated the dialouge with Paarthax.(sp?) It was in a "Hollywood action movie / hey man,you gonna shoot or not?" format.WTF.If the Dragonborn is like that,the world is destined to be doomed.

Also,more choices for dialouges.But I mean,more CHOICES,not different styles of saying one opinion.I was frustrated to find out that I wasn't able to say "I don't worship Talos" to a Thalmor agent when she asked me if I did or not.The "choices" were -You cannot ban Talos- -I believe in whoever I want- -stay slient-...All leading to a fight.FAIL.
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Jimmie Allen
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:26 am

I haven't enjoyed the faction and main questlines as much as Oblivion, the story just didn't seem as good. Also, there should be more skills (cooking, woodcutting, fletching etc.) to give certain aspects of the game a point. Finally, marriage could be a lot better and I din't need to explain why.

Apart from that, I love this game!!!
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Isaiah Burdeau
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:07 pm

Biggest issue I have is how buggy the PC interface is to navigate.
Sometimes you click on something and it works, other times you exit the menu or click on something you didn't intend to.
I can also get stuck on menus, which can sometimes be countered by clicking the exit button in the corner.
Has anyone tried to apply a poison to your weapon from a poison bottle located on a corpse? (hold shift). I always get stuck and have to go the main menu.
It feels like a sloppy console port, I don't approve.
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Eric Hayes
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