Features list to be fixed in patch or expansion

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 12:31 pm

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Silvia Gil
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:41 pm

Preferably no. But meeting someone who can train us to be better at it (meaning give us a couple perks), yes. The Lord birthstone gives +50 armor rating, so I could realistically see a perk that gives armor rating to unarmored characters.

Not 'unarmored' Spectre (though, I would like that, too) - Unarmed combat. Hand to Hand. Why it was removed is beyond my understanding. I think it was a horrible design decision. Hand to hand is just about all I use besides bows and magic on my characters. Now I have to try doing that with heavy armor and all kinds of armor buffs on a Khajit, making me into some sort of restoration/alteration battlemage that looks and plays very little like I had hoped I'd be able to do. The modding community will come to the rescue, I don't doubt, but it should have been in the game to begin with. Oblivion has a modded martial artist that has kicks and finishers and grace that should have been a template for the gamesas devs. I very much miss my unarmored skill from Morrowind that was thankfully modded back into Oblivion by skilled and devoted fans.

Having more freedom, not less, is the benchmark of a well-developed RPG system that wasn't broken to begin with. Morrowind was a masterpiece and Oblivion had many good aspects to add. Skyrim isn't a step backward or anything, but I think it suffered badly from Fallout 3's influence. Any person who allows themselves to be filthy will die of infection if they are travelers that engage in occasional combat. We should be able to clean off in any clean water source.

I agree with the difficulty, camera and UI lines from the OP. This UI is even more of a pain than the one from Oblivion.
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Grace Francis
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 4:26 pm

Lol, is this guy serious?
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katie TWAVA
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