you dont need to spend billions of dollars building a vault to figure that out. you need a calculator and a nutritionist. pwople have survived through less than ideal personal space issues, but that wouldnt even be the practical part of the experiment.. only the rations, really as youre not losing ship space- youd have to over book your enclave escape ship to begin with.. and if the enclave dont care about other people, guess what would ahppen in that event.
Nutriotnists can't tell you anything about the psychological effect of that. Sure, they can tell you about the physological effect of reduced nutrients, but not the effect of consistently small servings, nor can they tell you how much perosnal space a person really needs.
try starving sometime and tell me if you wouldnt eat even the most repugnant loking bland food if its all that was available. does not justify the time and resources. also, i was in the military, i did that for 2 months.
Simply because people would rather eat bland food than nothing at all doesnt mean the experiment is valueless. What is the physological effect of it?
you do not need to subject someone to living ina vault in order to boost their understanding of survival critical repairs. most astronauts are already tested similarly without the need of being locked in a vault. ironic though that their control vault couldnt repair their water chip, innint?
And if you'd played fallout 2 you'd know................... There were supposed to be 100 spare of that particular part in vault 13 (but in error received an extra GECK)
Astronauts are hardly normal people. They're incredibly inteligent people at a high state of fitness, they'd hardly represent the average of the folks in the enclave.
i used to live in a school house in missouri that had no electricity or indoor water.. yet, i managed to keep myself entertained..
Were you locked in a room with nothing at all - copletely bland walls, etc. Let me guess, you could go outside and find stuff to do.
these scenarios are complete end of spectrum cases that really dont have a practical aspect about them. it would be more useful to sepnd the time exploring artificial and in-vitro repopulation, rather than an experimant that seems like it was cooked up by a couple people passinga bong around
How do you know that it would be more useful? That's soemthing that would need to be tested.
which is exactly why they wouldnt care about half of this superficial "what would happen if you got bored" crap. you do it because youre enclave, following orders is part of the deal in exchange for being alive still.
The Enclave =/= Military.
The Enclave has a Military, but it is not the Military - In the same sense that the US has a military, but isnt one.
also, testing on other peoples reactions to eating nothing but gruel doesnt put a steak in your mouth either. what did the enclave eat during their stay on the tanker?
Probably had huge hydroponic bays... They were sitting on a huge resource of salt water and near limitless Electricity, so fresh water for plant growing is plentyful for them - Something that the spaceship won't have.
as for asking pres richardson:
the colonization of annother planet.. THAT wasnt thought of during fallout 2... not the vault experiments.. of course the vault exdperimants were introduced in fallout 2 it was the enclave back story. i mean that during fallout one, the enclave had not been thought of. during fallout two, the enclave going into space wasnt part of the plan. see?
Although that wasn't specificly mentioned in FO2 that I can think of, it was the plan for Van Buren.
Either way it's inconsequential if it doesn't make sense to us because it probably made sense to the Enclave when they first came up with the plan. Was it a good plan? That's another story; just because the guys who came up with it were politicians who could think ahead doesn't mean they were necessarily right. The plan makes perfect sense if you look at it like a politician operating on a paranoid cold war-type mindset, however. There was absolutely nothing rational about American politics during the Cold War which is often recognized today when we look back on it. We regard McCarthyism as a terrible mistake now, but back then it seemed sensible because we were irrationally afraid of communism. You are ultimately a product of your era and your circumstances. What doesn't make sense to you can make perfect sense to someone else.