So, my next character is probably going to be a Battlemage, and I'm not sure which race of elf to pick... High Elf will have more Magicka (Assuming they both pick the same amount by level 50), but will be lacking in the magical defense area while using the double magicka regen/ weakness to magicka guardian stone. Also, after playing through Skyrim, I REALLY dislike High Elves, more then I did before. The only downside to Dark Elves is the lack of extra Magicka, but they do have resistance to fire which will be extremely helpful, as well as a higher starting destruction.
So which one should I pick?
The first people that the Thalmor subjugated was their own. Don't take it out on all high elves in general. Being somewhat smug is in their nature, much like it's a nord's nature to be burly, or an imperial's nature to be slick-tongued. In fact, there is an altmeri legate presiding over the Rift camp who has a special dislike of the Thalmor. Not sure if his air of above-ness is due to being altmeri or because of his legion officer training of "I say jump you say how high".
If it bugs you so much, RP an altmer as a refugee from the Thalmor purging on Summerset, so you can retain your antipathy towards the Thalmor despite your new char's race.
Are you going be more offense-based or more defense-based? High elves are good for offensive because of their starting magicka boost, and also because of their racial power for once-a-day rapid mana regen.
Bretons have a nice defense power against magic in their passive magic resistance and also their racial power allows them to do a lot of hostile spell absorbing.
So which route?