Status Update:
I'm moved, finally, and have my utilities connected. While unpacking last week, I found the box containing my folders of notes concerning my mods. (Unpacking is a LOT harder than packing... it's taking twice as long to get everything put back in it's place as it did to box it up.) All my V&VA folders are now sitting on my couch, I'll have a lot of organizing and sorting to do, but everything appears to be accounted for. I have just reinstalled Oblivion on my computer (one of my Velociraptors in my RAID array failed. It was a slow death, so I managed to back up all my critical files before it quit reading entirely). I'm stuck with dial-up at the moment, but I'm downloading the latest versions of all my vital mods. Once I get Oblivion up and running to specs, I'm ready to get back to work on V&VA.
It's going to be a slow process, getting restarted. I'm going to have to take a look at COBL, and learn everything that has been updated while I've been away. And the same for OBSE. I have quite a bit of catching up to do.
I'll keep everyone posted. I'm currently unemployed, so I have an abundance of free time.
Hey, Ssenkrad, it's another of my famous "Notes for The Future" (oh, goody

Here's the thing-- I've just reinstalled OB, and I've had to switch V&VA out of my load order for another realism mod :cold: . Why?
Because V&VA does not handle variable timescales, and that's the new hot thing with at least two mods that I plan to use on this playthrough.
One is which, horrifyingly, includes this specific note:
The other is Better Cities 4.4.0, which now has the feature of ship travel from port city to port city. It, also horrifyingly, includes the following discussion in the fourm thread:
Real Sleep Extended will recognize that a time jump has happened, and
not make the player more tired. RSE will only make players more tired if the time jump is initiated from the Map Menu (i.e. Fast Travel), so with your port-port travel, the player will arrive with the same tiredness status as she started.

I also believe kuertee's Eat and Sleep mod has similar detection and therefore work fine with this,
but I believe most other realism mods may have the problem you state.
So the note for the future is-- please make sure, in your spiffy recoding, to include detection of variable timescales. I would like this hiatus to be only a temporary vacation, not goodbye forever (but it will have to be if V&VA, on its return, remains locked in the now-antiquated world of static timescales).
It's always good to hear from you, wmj. I consider you my eyes in the back of my head.
Right now, I'm going to have to get my mind set re-established. I'm going to be spending a lot of time catching up lost ground.
Timescale is pretty well the main cog that turns all the other gears in V&VA. I've never considered changing that, so I'm going to have to step back at look at how hard it would be to pull the mechanism out and replace it with another method of operation.
Let me get my wheels turning first, then I'll take a look at some workaround to fix the compatibility issues.