Which of the smithing perks applies to foresworn armor? If you look at http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Smithing#Item_Quality you can see that exquisite normally requires a skill of 65 (without a perk). I can make exquisite foresworn armor, and I'm at skill level 75. Ok. However, you see that you can't improve it to flawless unless your smithing is 100. That is, of course, unless you had the right perk! And the perk is...
Well that's my question! Which of the smithing perks allows me to make flawless foresworn armor at skill 57? I would have thought it would be steel, because foresworn armor is upgraded with a steel ingot, but that doesn't seem to be the case. Is it Glass, Ebony, Daedric, or Dragon?
Or... gasp, isn't there one? Am I never going to be able to craft Epic or Legendary foresworn armor? That can't be right.