Better Option for 'leveling' quest rewards

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 2:30 pm

I undestand the concept of having leveled rewards meaning that the power of the reward is based on your level.

But why is it not based on your current level (i.e. levels with you) instead of based on the level you were when you completed the quest. So if you finish the quest at level 1 it gives you the bottom level, but as you level up the gear could/should level with you. For example the Bow of Something is a base dmg 8 with 5 points of fire damage when you are level 1-9. Let's say you get it at level 8 you then have a bow with those stats. when you hit level 10 the bow becomes base damage 10 with 10 points of fire damage and so on as it continues to improve as you do.

This annoyed me to no end in Oblivion as I did the DB quests right away the first time i played through and had gotten all of their gear before turning level 6 which meant while good it was pretty much worthless as I levelled up. Second play through I waited til i was past the levelling max to do the quests and had some of the best gear in the game.

For a game that says you can do anything in any order, the current way of doing it seems to be one of the more restrictive parts of the game as those of us who don't use the guides/forums until we have a problem on the first play through have no idea which 'stuff' is levelled and which isn't.

I remember talking to someone after i had gone through the DB quests saying that the gear they got was awesome with these high bonuses and i only figured out about the levelling thing when i checked mine and it wasn't nearly as good.

Hopefully they can do this in the next one .. Just have to wait another 5 years
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