I would love to write up what I have in mind to improve systems but I know they are going to fall on deaf ears, the bigger a company gets the less it listens to its fan base. I've been working around big companies as a modder for upwards of 12 years. That's even with contact to the devs. It's far more worth my time to just make my own mods to do it. See it in action rather than on paper.
No need to be so melodramatic. If you have been doing any modding on the ES series then you know by both Beths admission and just by playing the games, they have actually used many ideas of their fans. Didn't I read somewhere that Oscuro is now working for Beth? For those missing features of previous games I can understand if feels that they are going on deaf ears, but I think they are heard, it's a matter of giving feedback that can be implemented without excluding another large group of players. It's a matter balance to make the majority happy. Not an easy task. Personally, I think they have done a fantastic job, would I like things to change to suit myself? Sure I would, but I do understand if they may the game to only suit me, they would be excluding another large group of players and I'm realistic enough to know they probably just aren't going to keep me in mind over them.
I have had a few ideas of what I'd like to see and I've posted a few of them in other threads-ideas on how to make the guild quests a bit more rewarding for both casual and your more hard core players-and little things I would like to see, such as removal of the "steal" over items to add a bit more risk and excitement over what to pick up and not to pick up. Overall, skyrim has been a joy to play and I believe they have worked hard to make a game for people to enjoy playing. The series is evolving and I'm one of the players who loves where it is going, even if there isn't the level of complexity that I desire. Perhaps in later installments they will be able to create a game that appeals to both sides.