Holy Crap moments

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:52 am

Ok so I had to share this just because it was such an awesome fight.

So I was out exploring with Lydia when I come across a dragon momnument with a very alive dragon perched on it. Seeing there is no way I can reach him with my swords I keep my distance and pull out my bow and fire the opening shot.
The fight that ensues is probably the most epic I have had to date. It starts off fairly normally, the dragon is flying about blasting us with his breath while we pepper him with arrows waiting for him to land, I move in closer to the dragon stone to use it as cover when suddenly the lid on a partially buried coffin flys out and a Lich emerges and hammers a fire ball into my face.
I rip out my swords and charge praying that the dragon doesn't land, lucky for me Lydia is keeping him occcupied for the time being, I quaff a potion of resist fire and try keep him off balance with power attacks to limit the spell casting, manage to pin him into a corner and unleash. Unfortunatly the dragon chooses this moment to land.. right behind me. Im frantically downing potions just to stay alive, Lydia comes to my rescue chasing off the dragon just as I plung my blades through lich's chest finishing him off I turn to try find the dragon, my potions all but exauhsted I use my healing spell in a desperate last ditch at getting health as I see him coming in for another attack, but the dragon is badly weakened and hammers into the ground plowing a huge furrow, running up to it I deal the final killing blow.

I was so pumped from that I actually cheered :P

Share your monumental battles !
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:56 am

!. When I saw a witch.
2. When I went into the House of Horrors.
3. When a Giant was chasing me because I had stolen his goat.
4. When I killed the Emperor.
5. When Lucien Lachance turned out to be more than just a summoned ghost to fight for me, but a voice of wisdom and advice.
6. The beginning of the game.
7. When 3 hired humans tried to kill me.
8. When I was betrayed.
9. When I saw the Nightengale armor.
10. When I saw Nocturnal and Sanguine.
11. When I killed that mean old orfanage lady.
12. When I walked into that kids house and heard him performing the black sacrament.

There is much more.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:36 am

Seen quite a bit of werid stuff in this game but the biggest one was when I killed a nord and cut off his head and when I turn back around to loot his body after killing all his buddys he runs away without a head. :blink:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:46 am

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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 5:07 pm

Well.. I'v had a few moments. One of them did involve Dragon....s.....

I came across a Dragon fighting off a frost troll, I thought I would sit, watch and kill the victor, but I was sadly mistaken. I got a little too close and they both came right after me, the dragon flew in the air and circled over me, and the frost troll came after me. I was close to a clearing, and the ocean so I figure that to be a good place to land a dragon and escape a frost troll, I hit the dragon with dragon rend, while on a plate of ice floating in the water to escape the frost troll (because apparently enemy's can't swim :P) The dragon lands and just as I'm about to head towards it a horker family happens to be upset that I'm on their slab of ice, and don't want me to be there. So I quickly finish them off, by that time dragonrend lost effect but the dragon took care of the frost troll for me so I could head to land. I use dragonrend again, Dragon lands, I hit him a few times, he bites, tail whips and blows ice my way and fly's off again.

I look off in the distance and I see a second dragon killing horkers (I think). I thought I was safe but to be sure I called in my friendly Dragon to make sure I don't die. I may have bin safe IF I didn't do that because my dragon attracted that dragon, and the dragon I was fighting attracted my dragon. So 3 dragons fighting each other and me doing my best to NOT hit my dragon with dragonrend ( I am pure melee, so I'm pretty much at a dis advantage here). I got one dragon down (the one I have bin fighting) and killed him off. As I was about to use Dragon rend on the last dragon two wolves and 3 saber cats decide to join the battle... against me. I use Dismay on one of the saber cats, Unrelenting force on another and kill off the 3rd, and the wolves quickly, then my dragon decides he is done, and fly's off. I'm completely out of potions, almost dead I go back to my slab of ice covered in horker blood and use my last resort. Storm call, witch shot down the dragon and finished off the last saber cats... Holy hell..
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