I did not get a chance ever to really get into Oblivion or any past ES games so this question is for anyone who is really into the lore. When I go into taverns or talk to someone in town and they talk about a relative or something they have done does any of it ever have to do with oblivion or past TES games. For instance I met a last who said her uncle was a great author from cyrodiil, maybe that author is someone I had met or heard of playing oblivion. I know with elder scrolls you do not have to play previous titles but I'm thinking if you did you may understand a little more when the people of Skyrim talk about the past. I'd like to hear of any references or connections made in Skyrim that made you go 'oh that's who that is' or 'wow! I was robbed your uncle'. You get the picture.
I think I got my point across. I'd love to hear any stories you may have. If you still don't get what I'm saying I'll give another example.
I met a lady on a farm that said here family owned a very rich and thriving farm in Cyrodiil. I can't think of the name but I was a little curious if I had played Oblivion I would know exactly what she was talking about. My point in this is to discuss dialogue and the people of Skyrim and what link they may have with past games of any. Thanks and I think it will be interesting and fun to hear of any.