I've got an awful problem with the quest chain.
I'm from Russia and my game localization is Russian, so it's a pity, but I don't know the real name of the quest and the location. But I'll try to explain.
As I know it's the main line of quests in the game. The problem quest is after the quest "Diplomatic immunity" ( I hope, that's a proper name).
The aim of the quest is to find an old man named Esbern and to talk to him.
I've found him, talked, but he didn't open the door. I tried to reload and try different ways of the dialog, but the result was the same.
What's the problem? :unsure2:
Upd: I've found how to solve the problem. The problem was in the absence of some sound files.
Here they are: http://rghost.ru/30341511. English voice.
And the quest works properly. :celebration: