I wanted to voice my opinion regarding the quest system in Skyrim... the "Dark Brotherhood Forever" quests in particular...
If there was anything I was most excited to see in this new Bethesda game, it was the promise of a more robust quest system.
I was initially impressed by these "Dark Brotherhood Forever" quests... I will not go into detail so as to avoid spoiling, however I feel it is necessary to point out that the NPC targets of these quests have no schedule programmed or scripted into their daily lives! They just STAND THERE for day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year!
It just seems so awkward and it definitely kills the immersion.
I don't mean to sound ungrateful... I've put many hours into this game already... However, I think the complete game Skyrim COULD have been is so tantalizingly great that it makes this current iteration feel very half-baked.
The leap from Morrowind to Oblivion was enormous...
The leap from Oblivion to Skyrim is... hard to tell...