I recently discovered Oblivion, and enjoyed it so much that I plan to eventually get ahold of one of the newer 360 systems, and download all possible add ons for the game.
Currently though, I am in possession of an old 20 gb 360 unit, which my math says should be enough to handle all the ad ons. I am currently in possession of the two disc GOTY edition, as well as a newer Platinum edition of the basic game.
Now, in reading here, I've learned about patches and upgrades, and I'm wondering the following question:
In loading my game onto the sytem, I know I'll have to upload the Knights of the Nine/Shivering Isles disc directly, and it contains a basic patch to make it work. (I learned that reading this forum). But as far as patches and upgrades go, which would be better... Without access to any internet connection... Should I load the GOTY edition disc, or does the Platinum edition have more updated coding that would allow better operating without having to connect to Xbox live for updated patches?
And secondly, when I do get a better system down the road, would it be better to load off these discs, or use downloadable content from Xbox live, in addition to getting the other downloads as well?
Thank you for any assistance!