I level up to 14 today and it shows my archery skill at 41. The first perk, increasing damage by 80% wasn't available because I think you need 60 to get that.
So I see Eagle Eye text is white, so that should be available. All the other perks are grey. In the left box below that, it shows my level as 41, in the right box it says Requires 30. I click on it (PC user with mouse), hit return, it won't let me select it.
The other odd thing is, when you first get to the archery constellation it says ARCHERY 25 - and the number 25 is in dark red color.
Have not seen that. Looked at everything concerning my character and don't see anything red/out of the ordinary. Only issue I have is a 1040 gold fine that I got - don't know where or why. Went down in the Jarl's dungeon to pay that but it doesn't come up as an option. If anyone knows how to get rid of this please let me know.