Anyway, is this perk completely useless or what?
I've tried using it a couple of times with the strongest poisons I find but enemies have so much health a lot of the time that they aren't effective at all.
I mean, each poison have a 90% chance success, this means that if I want to kill someone with this I need to quicksave behind them then pickpocket as many poisons onto them as possible until they die.
I just see no use to it.
You can't always pickpocket enemies and when you can it isn't nearly as effective as it should be.
I mean, there is a perk later to pickpocket equipped items right? Why bother with poison on enemies when you can just take their weapons and armor off of them?
And animals cannot be pickpocketed so it's not very useful there either.
And in towns, honestly, unless you love killing innocent people (Which I do but it doesn't fit this current character) or you want to roleplay with the Dark Brotherhood then this perk is completely useless against civilians as well.
Why? Cause why kill a civilian? I had a reason for killing Faendal, but other than that I haven't had a reason to kill anyone.
The point is that for using a perk point it isn't nearly as good as it's suppose to be.
So anyone but me think it's too weak?
Should poisons applied through pickpocketing be 3x more effective?
How about a second rank to the perk which makes them 5x more effective?
Cause this could make poisons somewhat more useful through pickpocketing.
But right now?
See an enemy, learn it's routine, sneak up, quick save, pickpocket a poison, quick save, pickpocket a poison, quick save, pickpocket a poison, quick save, pickpocket a poison, quick save, pickpocket a poison, quick save, pickpocket a poison, quick save, pickpocket a poison and he's dead.