Two improvements

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:05 am

Hi, first time poster on here but long time bethesda fan since the days of playing arena as a ten year old.

got to say skyrim is increadible and has taken over my life outside work and this post is by no means a complaint as i'm loving this game.

but yeah two things i think would really push this game to the next level are;

grappling and climbing like on GTA, red dead and asassins crud.

this would add so much more especially for those sneaky theif/assassin types like me, would be great to be able to pull yourself up onto roofs and jump and grab onto ledges free running style, also being able to jump while sprinting would help.

and being able to attack and cast spells on horse back.

this would also add a fantastic dimension to play for me.

anyway as i said it's not a complaint thread at all as i think you've done a fantastic job with this masterpiece of a game.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:48 am


grappling and climbing like on GTA, red dead and asassins crud.


and being able to attack and cast spells on horse back.



I've been advocating some kind of climbing mechanics in TES since heaven knows when.
Skyrim would have been the perfect setting but i guess they'd have to revise the engine upside down to accomodate for it.
One can only hope TES VI will finally have it.

Mounted combat would also be nice. Bur i think they need to revamp the whole horse chapter, as as of now horses are pretty irrelevant in SKyrim. You can't carry more stuff around and so far (35 hrs into the game) there's no gorge for me to leap over on my horsie that otherwise would've been imsurmountable.
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