» Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:51 pm
Yes sadly I experienced the same problem, sold/gave away all the rubbish plates and bowls ect getting my house in Whiterun ready for all my goods to show my friends who have not currently got Skyrim to try and make them jealous lol, spent ages rearranging everything only to go out then come back after another quest had been completed and the place looked liked it had been ransacked, luckly I didn't actually loose any weapons/armour but did discover another bug.....
The notes you carry, I recommend not placing them in the bookcases/bookshelves or when you come to take them and read them again all or nearly all of the text simply disappears. Not sure if this bug effects all the houses or just the one in Whiterun. Ok placing the books there well it was when I did it but not the notes. I lmanaged to gain at least one note back after I killed a second assassin the Dark Brotherhood sent after me, I dropped the damage note in the river and placed the new note in one of the end tables in the bedroom and was still there upon my return. I say lucky but is it really lucky to have the Dark Brotherhood after you, I can't think for the life of me why or who ordered the contract, worse I had done was to kill the smithy dude in Riverwood well he sent some thugs after me who i met and killed on my way back down the mountain after seeing the Greybeards, the note on one of their bodies said the smithy ordered for me *to be taught a lesson for stealing off him* so I did the only thing any decent Skyrim player would do and that was to cut his head off with my 2 handed sword... didn't know his daughter was watching though as she was stood behind my character..... maybe I should marry her mum and live the life of a smithy, Surely i can do more than just sharpen axes rofl :rolleyes: