Skyrim C.E. prima guide only in North America and U.K.

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:03 pm

I really want to know why Bethesda only sell copies of skyrim C.E. (collector's edition) prima guide in hardcover in North-America and the U.K. and not to the rest of the world. In my country (Netherlands) there only selling the paperback!!!!!! WHY??!!! Arn't we good enough??? There are more players of this game outside the U.S. then in it!! I can order it but they are out of stock (IF there will be a second print), and they have to order it in an other country as well!!!!! So i really want to know why...????

I don't know if i posted it on the right forum but i only want that Bethesda hears about this and DO something about it!! Before you are losing fan's .......and money....think about it!!!!!!!


Sorry for my lack of English if there is any, and if there is try Dutch!
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Sarah MacLeod
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