Re: Level Scaling

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:38 am

So I just want to be sure that I understand the level scaling system properly in Skyrim. It was one of my biggest issues in Oblivion, to be honest. Such an issue in fact that it pretty much made me hate the game without mods to remove the scaling.

Anyway, as I understand it in Skyrim, every region/dungeon has a certain level range tied to it. If you enter a region below that range, then it sets itself to the lowest possible level within it's range. If it enter it within the range, then it just locks at the level you were at. If you enter it above that range, then it's locked at the highest level it could have been at. Is that correct? I just want to make perfectly certain that I know what I'm getting into this time when I buy the game.

Honestly though, if *that* is how it works, I don't see a problem. That'd be pretty awesome actually, and is stupidly close to everything having a static level anyway (unless the ranges are just HUGE or something.)

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Jaki Birch
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:45 am

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jaideep singh
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:12 am

Don't bump threads after a few minutes, that gets them closed.

As for the scaling, it is nothing like Oblivion. It is more like Fallout where the game is tailored to your level, but you can still go places where you are way powerful and you can go places where you will get your butt kicked until you are ready.
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Darrell Fawcett
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:00 am

I honestly can't say that I have experienced anything related to level ranges so far. Dungeons get some stronger opponents in them as you level, but the weaker ones will still appear at times. So you'll get the occasional Draugr Deathlord, but you'll still find plenty of Restless Draugr, Scourge Draugr etc. The number of simple Draugrs has been going down though.
Bandits behave pretty much the same. Instead of Bandits, you'll run into Bandit Thugs, Bandit Marauders and Bandit Highwaymen as your level gets higher. But you'll never have Oblivions issue with every bandit being the same level and getting glass equipment.

It's hard to say how the level scaling system works until the Construction Kit is released.
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 11:21 pm

dungeons are ok, its bandits that are still ridiculous. I fought this bandit plunderer (or marauder, forgot which) and it had a stronger attack than the dragon i just fought. Also had about the same hp. Which is quite ridiculous :confused: how in azura would a bandit be so darn strong?
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:35 am

I'm level 32 (and I'm playing on Apprentice... really should kick this up...) and Draugr Deathlords hit me for crazy damage, but they die fairly quickly as well. I have a high single handed skill, light armor (makes sense that they'd hit me hard) and a fair amount of eq that improves my single handed skill, so the damage output is pretty incredible. They die far faster now than they used to. It used to be that they would kill me a time or two before I took them out. Now most of the fights are pretty short. Even my wife (we play together) takes on dragons by herself now, so, like I said, I should probably increase the difficulty.

Long story short, it scales, but so far it's not silly and it does not remind me of Oblivion in the least. God I hate the scaling... it's why I won't play Oblivion now. That, and the jumping...

EDIT: fix.
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Steve Bates
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:04 am

I am a thief and I wan't to follow the thieves guild questline early in game. I find out that quest rewards received are level scaled so I am forced to either hold off on joining the thieves guild till very late in game or just receive the lower tier level scale armour as reward/punishment for 'playing how I want to play' .. :sadvaultboy:

i thought we were done with this crap in Oblivion and why punish just thieves?
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