» Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:55 am
If you're on PC, you can check them pretty easily via the console. Hit the ~ to enter the console, then click on your follower, an 8 digit hex number should show up if you successfully selected them. Then type one of the following:
getav health
getav stamina
getav onehanded
getav twohanded
getav block
I don't know all of the actor values off the top of my head, but you should be able to guess them by their in game descriptions. If you get it right, a value will be displayed. If not, you'll get an error message (if there's no value displayed, and no error message, then you don't have your follower selected properly, try clicking them again.) If you feel like cheating you can also use modav to adjust their stats (I used it to boost my horse's stamina regen rate so that I could get around quicker, sprinting on a horse, without having to fast travel - modav staminarate 3000.)