» Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:54 am
I sort of expected frame rate issues, and wasn't shocked to see them. Like others said, most of the time a restart fixes that problem (annoying but not game-breaking). However, my problems usually start after 45 minutes or so, not the 2 - 4 hours that some get. I can live with the frame rate issue, if this patch does something to improve the situation.
My biggest problem is that the farther into the game I get, the more "tweaked" the game gets. All of the sudden my quests are starting to bug out, and certain functions no longer work. After about 30 hours, I can no longer use the alchemy, enchanting, or armor improving tables. At all.
Frame rate isn't a killer, but when features of the game stop working half-way through, it kills it for me. I started a 3rd character, but if the same issues come up again I'm afraid I'll be done with Skyrim for good.