Toon build suggestions!

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:12 pm

So i just started a new character the other day and even though the mass amount of complaints I want to play a mage! I'm level 10 and focusing strictly on Dest, Rest, and Conj. I'm also thinking of incorporating some enchanting. So far I've had no issues running through peeps and have only resorted to using a blade twice and a bow once! I should be able to manage without but am thinking of incorporating some sneak and archery into my build. Would this over level my char.? Any suggestions would be helpful!
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FirDaus LOVe farhana
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:33 am

I would level Alteration a little too. Being a mage it helps to have the Ironflesh type spells to make you less squishy incase somebody gets through your summon and starts wailing on you.

Sneak and Archery are no problem either. Both are useful for those sneak attacks from far away, and I don't see it overleveling you because they're both semi-combat at least. Over leveling is when you grind Enchanting or Smithing or Pickpocket or something, and then end up having level 20 Destruction to fight level 20 monsters. :P
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sam westover
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 3:58 am

Alteration and Restoration have some nice perks if you level them up enough. Destruction is great at level 10. I don't doubt you're having fun frying everything in your path. Just wait til level 18 or so when it takes 6 dual-cast fireballs to take down one bandit and his archer friend kills you in 2-shots.
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Bedford White
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:31 am

Alteration and Restoration have some nice perks if you level them up enough. Destruction is great at level 10. I don't doubt you're having fun frying everything in your path. Just wait til level 18 or so when it takes 6 dual-cast fireballs to take down one bandit and his archer friend kills you in 2-shots.

K I'll def look into some alteration! Still can decide if i wanna go sneak/archery cuz my first toon is close to that!
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Tanya Parra
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