» Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:11 pm
I like the idea of investing in guilds/towns, it could be used in 2 ways, for guilds you could have a rival guild who you want to attack but need to recruit a suitable force AND kit them out to have a chance at beating down the enemy guild, each sucessful campaign would allow you 'rank up' in the guild starting with you accompanying a small force where you make the difference in the fight, followed by a promotion, then you would be needed to kit out some of the men and find a few recruits, win that battle get promoted to team leader, where you recruit and kit out your own skirmish team, attack .. win, promotion, lead a company of men on a direct assault, win promote, working up to a final super awesome (hard) battle to win the enemy guild leaders head and take over thier fort/castle.
Once this has happened (which should take a huge amount of cash and work to achieve) you would be able to start upgrading your fort/castle to repel other guilds attacking you for the same privalidge. This would be on ongoing and fun (if done properly) gold sink, you may even lose the fort and have to try and retake it.