» Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:45 pm
It's roughly the same as in Oblivion, appearance-wise.
Same as well for the buffs/debuffs increasing the longer you go without feeding, with becoming a full on blood-starved vampire making everyone around you hostile and attempt to kill you, except for a couple of factions that are more accepting of vampirism (not going to spoil that detail, you'll find out easily enough once you start playing about).
The one difference that makes it more difficult is that now, feeding only reverts you back one stage of vampirism, instead of resetting it back to the initial stage. This means that to stay low on the vampirism changes, you will constantly need to feed instead of just never using the wait/rest command. The changes now are dependent on each 24-hour cycle instead of being dependent on when you actually wait or rest.
And the stat buffs that Vampires get are excellent for aiding in stealth play.