Spell damage getting better with use?

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:16 am

Apologies if this has already been asked/discussed and I missed it. I couldn't find it anywhere.

So, a few days ago, maybe a week ago, someone posted up some screenshots of their flame/firebolt/fire rune damage. It was quite a bit higher than what everyone had experienced, high enough to make the lower level spells look quite attractive even. I remember people suggesting it was glitched somehow.

Chatting to one of the npcs at the college a few minutes ago, she mentioned that if I concentrated on a particular type of spell (she mentioned fire as an example) my spells of that type would become more powerful. It clicked that this was what had happened to last week's poster.

Has anyone else specialised in a particular type of elemental magic and gotten this effect? How long did it take you (around what level were you when you noticed the increase)?

I'm also wondering if all elemental type damage could be increased if enough time is spent concentrating on it, or if only one specialisation is possible.

Any thoughts/experience?

Edit: I'm also curious if the increase in damage is limited to once, or if it continues to grow with time. Anyone?
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Sammi Jones
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:02 am

The NPC is referring to the perks for up to +50% you can get. That is how you specialize in element.

If someone is increasing their destruction damage beyond that, they're probably using potions.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:21 am

Right, there is a perk for each element. You have to level up a bit to increase the same elements damage. I think level 20 is the first stage, then level 50 or 60 maybe. Fire damage seems to be the best for most of the targets in Skyrim.
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Claire Jackson
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