Bethesda, when you have a dungeon with a lot of traps that r

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:14 am

don't make those dungeons mandatory to lead companions through for quests, kthxbye.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:39 am

How did I know somebody would make a rage thread about this. You know you can lead Companions around traps I've done it about a billion times. Also, usually when my companions get hurt by a trap they don't die they keep getting up and getting hit by the trap again its pretty entertaining to watch they AI just keep running into the same trap over and over again.
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ANaIs GRelot
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:42 am

How did I know somebody would make a rage thread about this. You know you can lead Companions around traps I've done it about a billion times. Also, usually when my companions get hurt by a trap they don't die they keep getting up and getting hit by the trap again its pretty entertaining to watch they AI just keep running into the same trap over and over again.

I've had a companion disappear before due to the sliding blades [hallway, axe blades slicing you up] trap before. Not sure if they died, but they were jammed off the playable map [launched like a giant punted them into the void is my theory].

It's annoying, but, I just stopped taking companions on them.

To be fair though, I suspect the OP is referring to Quest Companions/Dungeon Companions, not the traditional companions. You're really not able to tell Quest followers and the like what to do, in my experience.
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Krystal Wilson
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:37 pm

You know you can lead Companions around traps I've done it about a billion times.

Pain in the butt. At least on console.

Also, usually when my companions get hurt by a trap they don't die

But when they are right on your heels, you get hit by the trap too.

It's actually easier to just get hit by the trap and heal yourself than it is to give commands to the follower.
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josie treuberg
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Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 10:51 pm

How did I know somebody would make a rage thread about this. You know you can lead Companions around traps I've done it about a billion times. Also, usually when my companions get hurt by a trap they don't die they keep getting up and getting hit by the trap again its pretty entertaining to watch they AI just keep running into the same trap over and over again.

It's funny the first one or two times.

After walking through a dungeon for half an hour and waiting for your companion to get up after being smacked by the umpteenth spike wall that he unwittingly walked into, it's just a pain in the ass.
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KRistina Karlsson
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