hey guys i need help figuring out what playstyle to go in skyrim. i have had 2 caracters. one was a nord, heavy armour, usually 2h but i had to delete him because i screwed up a quest, now i have a Khajiit, he has heavy amour. usually weilding magic and one handed with the exseption of sometimes going dual weilding. i am remaking because i need to plann out my caracter better and what perks i am going. i calculated my ideal caracter perks but my caracter levl would have to be 172 XD it was sort of a mix between hardcoe warrior and stelth force theif/asassin. im thinking what i should do is try not to mix them and either go into full warrior or full theif (i get bored with magic alot and figured i would be more combat orentated in skyrim). i like the thort of being a buff warrior type rushing into battle taking no damage and [censored] [censored] up with sword and shield , 2h or dual weilding, but it also seems being a sneeky assassin type with bow and dual daggers helps in the game.also can you tell me a good race to go with the playstyle u reccomend. feel free to post what ur playstyle and race is =)
It seems the best thing to do is make a warrior character and a theif character.
Specializing makes you powerful.
Warrior race depends on 1h/2h and light/heavy armor.
I would say Orc and Nord for heavy armor 2h's.
And Imperial and Redguard for light armor 1h+shield/Duel wield.
Khajit is the best theif imo. +10 bonus to sneak and night eye ability.