» Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:01 am
Do you have any idea how long it takes to respond to software bugs? I guarantee you the entire Bethesda team is working around the clock on patches. The game has been out less than two weeks.
They have to determine which bugs to fix, which despite all the whining on the forums, they have to work through established channels of their tech support, reproduce the errors, prioritize, assign them to resources (often not knowing how long they will take), target to a release, actually make the fixes, assign test resources, test, go through a QA process, and there may be other certifications depending on platform, then hand to release engineers. Multiple layers of development and testing. Even with a large team of 20 programmers, its not realistic to have the expectation they can accomplish much in a two week period. Now consider that they released on three platforms, so their resources are divided.
They are not going to publish what fixes they are working on because A) They don't necessarily know how long they will take to fix, so they aren't targeted to a specific patch B) People will whine and complain about other fixes not on the roadmap.
I guarantee they are running around like chickens without heads right now.