dark: that does sound like an improvement. 200 posts might be a bit much though -- ive been a member for 4 years now and have only made 33 posts. Maybe factor in kudos or whether the person has uploaded a mod to allow for multiple paths to veteranhood? though i suppose its not that big of a deal.
anyways, my biggest suggestion would be the ability to rate comments on a thumbs up/down system. useful reviews, solutions to questions, legidimate bugs etc. could be thumbed up by users, putting them towards the top of the comments ensuring they will be seen. useless comments could be thumbed down so that they dont have to be seen. the rating of a comment could factor into the rating the file was given: if a person gives a rating of 5/10 and their post gets 5 thumbs down its weighted less than a 8/10 comment with thumbs up.
also, how about a rating system of 5?
5- excellent, only minor issues, great mod
4- good, though some issues which prevent it from being a 5
3- average, segnificant errors, could use improvement
2 - poor, errors, totally unfinished, really dirty, etc.
1 - bad, more errors than content, doesn't do what its suppose to, breaks the game, etc.
its much simpler than a 10 point system imo.
again, glad this is being looked into

my biggest problem with the system was not outright flamers and spammers but simply people who didnt read the readme or asked questions which i had asnwered 19488 times before. they didnt do anything worthy of a report, but they still sap spirit and annoy the living daylight out of me.