If I'm on the Stormcloak side, why are the Imperial commanders in the camps marked as essential?
Nothing like wiping out an imperial camp only to have to reload to a previous save point because some immortal ennemy is bugging out my companion (they keep going back to hit him every time he stands up, so I can literally not leave the camp without losing Lydia).
And to the smart-ass in this thread: yes, i would MUCH rather prefer being able to kill quests. Thats acutally what I loved from morrowind: you can kill anyone, but dont want to... not because of a dumb prison system, but because of what those NPCs might bring you in the futur. Immortal quest givers just totally destroys the immersion for which I play TES games in the first place.
That being said, they make for extremely easy combat skill leveling rofl!